Slovenčina pre cudzincov s Dr. Vadíkovou


Od roku 2023 spolupracujem s Akadémiou slovenčiny v Bratislave, kde učím slovenčinu  cudzincov prezenčne a aj online. Niektorí študenti mi napísali recenzie. Nech sa páči - tu sú.

Raia, Japonsko

individual lessons, face to face

Pani Katarína je mimoriadna učiteľka. Som šťastný, že mi ukázala Bratislava aj vonku. Výlet Devín je krásny. Aj Koliba sa mi páčila. Dni na Slovensko sú nezabudnuteľné. Budem spomínať na pani Katarína a pani Monika - moje lektorky z Akadémia slovenčiny, Bratislava.

James, Kanada

individual lessons, face to face

Dr. Vadíková is a great teacher. Very flexible.

Oriane, Francúzsko

KURZ A 1.1 online

What did you like the most? I couldn't have asked for a better professor than Professor Mgr. Katarína M. Vadíková to begin learning Slovak. After a long day at work, her Slovak classes are a real energy boost for me! I really appreciate her teaching style, which combines explanations, examples, exercises, speaking, and even games. The book she uses is excellent in my opinion, and Professor Mgr. Katarína M. Vadíková utilizes it brilliantly, step by step, while varying the exercises.

I am not praising simplify for the sake of praise (though it's important to acknowledge when things work!). The reality is that learning a new language entirely from scratch relies on the passion and teaching skills of the professor. I've had unpleasant experiences with English teachers that made learning challenging. However, with Slovak, Professor Mgr. Katarína M. Vadíková shares her passion and offers us a glimpse of the Slovak Republic through her teaching. I appreciate her approach and positive attitude. 

Our group is fantastic!

Anna, Rakúsko

KURZ A 1.1 online

What did you like the most?…
small group, books, native speaker as a teacher, teacher is speaking Slovak, online-option; materials Pani Katarina is sending us;
Pani Adriana - manager of the Academy, is extremely nice and friendly and is answering emails extremely fast.

Coleen, Kanada

Kurz A 1.1 + individual lessons, face to face

What did You like the most? The teacher!

Tamara, Nemecko

KURZ A 1.1 online

great book, great teacher, a lot of fun and of course of possibilities to exercice and to practise learned topics

© 2022 Dr. Katarína Mária Vadíková, etik&kouč,
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